Saturday, December 13, 2014

Exam Prep for the ACT Test: First Free Session for the English Test for My Cincinnati and Mason, Ohio, Students

We are really excited to start off our live ACT prep for those in Youtube land and for my Mason and Cincinnati, Ohio, scholars away for Christmas.

This eve's live ACT preparation (most of which being in Cincinnati) will focus on the English section, sharing the same techniques that have helped our pupils obtain up to perfect marks on their ACT tests.

A portion of the excitement has been not only our move of the test prep business office for the SAT and ACT to Cincinnati, but also the beginning of 10 years of service given by A+ Tutoring Test Preparation. We have now tutored 800 students in the South Florida and Greater Cincinnati areas!
We will begin by discussing the four different "tests" of the ACT, setting out with the English section, where we will decompose the 4 basic classifications we follow to assist our students get perfect marks.

Sure, thoughts are free.  But proven teaching can set hard-working students free!

The strategy, obviously, contains greater than four simple pieces. We will also get into sentence structure and the types of questions that overlap between the English and Reading tests.
Though the English test is perhaps one of the most challenging and rule-oriented of all the tests on the ACT, understanding how to find verbs, subjects, and any conjunctions and other parts of speech gives us the foundation for knowing each of the other rules and recognizing other grammar scenarios.

We will refer to grammatical marks, modifiers, the different elements of verbs, and parallelism to catch mistakes, as we look for accuracy and efficiency in the sentences we are presented with. Syntax will be coped with as well, as we cover main idea and inferential reasoning questions.
Please interject with any questions as we show authentic ACT questions and how we deal with them. We love to hear your feedback and wish you the very best score imaginable as you give your ACT test prep your best shot!

Free Seminar on ACT for our Mason, Ohio, Students Prepping with Us

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