Sunday, November 17, 2019

ACT prep tips for a maximum score

Best ACT Prep in Cincinnati

If you're child is struggling with underperforming on the ACT, there's a good chance you need a complete system of ACT prep, and for many reasons.

Not doing well on the ACT probably means there are gaps in your child's education, but even more so that your child lacks critical thinking skills: one of the most valuable assets in life.

So be cautions when you weigh your options: classes, small groups, and one-on-one tutoring may help superficially, but the critical thinking component is taught thorougly by very few.

Since I tutor in Cincinnati, I have been able to get familiar with the test prep options for the ACT in Cincinnati and explain them here. Choices are generally broken down into test prep classes and tutoring programs.

There are even some small companies that prep students for the ACT, but there are also national ones.

To get the right test prep help for the ACT, you should really try to talk to someone in charge. Though some companies might talk about expecting a 2-5 point increase, see if you can meet your tutor first, or even do a trial session to see if personalities match.

In the end, it's best to choose something effective and in accordance with your budget, knowing a college entrance test leads to college, which can run $100,000 just to get a basic degree.

References and referrals are also of course very important so you know what quality of tutoring program you are really getting.

Preparation for the ACT really begins the first day a student starts high school, so an ACT program should have the characteristics that show it is solid. Expecting a two or four hour, or even eight hour course, to be comprehensive is ridiculous, especially considering English alone covers more than 350 pages of grammar rules most students aren't very familiar with. So don't underestimate not just the amount of rules in grammar and math, but the critical thinking and common sense strategies that are needed across science and reading as well.

Give your child a chance to succeed by finding a program that has all the pieces you need. If you would like more information of ACT test prep, you can receive a free consultation for ACT test prep by calling the number below or by visiting

After 2000 students and 50,000 hours of tutoring, we believe we are still the best choice for ACT prep in Cincinnati, but each child is different so call for your free consultation. We specialize in helping students with the crux of critical thinking skills, which is why we've seen up to a 15 point increase on the ACT, with students getting into the top 1%.

If you'd like to see if our Cincinnati ACT prep program is right for your child just call 513 939-9033 and take advantage of a free consultation.






Sunday, November 10, 2019

ACT prep tips for a maximum score

Review of ACT Prep in Cincy

If you're child is struggling with underperforming on the ACT, there's a good chance you need a complete system of ACT prep, and for many reasons.

Not doing well on the ACT probably means there are gaps in your child's education, but even more so that your child lacks critical thinking skills: one of the most valuable assets in life.

So be cautions when you weigh your options: classes, small groups, and one-on-one tutoring may help superficially, but the critical thinking component is taught thorougly by very few.

Since I tutor in Cincinnati, I have been able to get familiar with the test prep options for the ACT in Cincinnati and explain them here. Choices are generally broken down into test prep classes and tutoring programs.

There are even some small companies that prep students for the ACT, but there are also national ones.

To get the right test prep help for the ACT, you should really try to talk to someone in charge. Though some companies might talk about expecting a 2-5 point increase, see if you can meet your tutor first, or even do a trial session to see if personalities match.

In the end, it's best to choose something effective and in accordance with your budget, knowing a college entrance test leads to college, which can run $100,000 just to get a basic degree.

References and referrals are also of course very important so you know what quality of tutoring program you are really getting.

Preparation for the ACT really begins the first day a student starts high school, so an ACT program should have the characteristics that show it is solid. Expecting a two or four hour, or even eight hour course, to be comprehensive is ridiculous, especially considering English alone covers more than 350 pages of grammar rules most students aren't very familiar with. So don't underestimate not just the amount of rules in grammar and math, but the critical thinking and common sense strategies that are needed across science and reading as well.

Give your child a chance to succeed by finding a program that has all the pieces you need. If you would like more information of ACT test prep, you can receive a free consultation for ACT test prep by calling the number below or by visiting

After 2000 students and 50,000 hours of tutoring, we believe we are still the best choice for ACT prep in Cincinnati, but each child is different so call for your free consultation. We specialize in helping students with the crux of critical thinking skills, which is why we've seen up to a 15 point increase on the ACT, with students getting into the top 1%.

If you'd like to see if our Cincinnati ACT prep program is right for your child just call 513 939-9033 and take advantage of a free consultation.






Tuesday, April 11, 2017

So More Students Are Taking the ACT but Aren't College Ready. What gives?

Many people are wondering why in the world students aren't getting the hang of ACT skills so they can finally get ready for college.

But is the problem really the test, or is it the students, or even the preparation?

The truth is that it was US students' lack of readiness for college that gave the ACT Corporation the edge as they looked for a way to take out College Board and the SAT.

Through ACT Corp's agressive salesmanship and marketing, they captured school after school after school, convincing high schools that not only should students be taking the ACT to qualify to get into college.  Their high schools students also needed to "pass" the ACT to even get out of highschool.

But, unfortunately, as the Wall Street Journal points out, all the testing the ACT people have administered really doesn't seem to be helping students much.

In fact, students scores and abilities seem to be deteriorating even more.  And why shouldn't they? The typical high school is more concerned about sports and social issues than solid academics. This is why most high school graduates will fail a test that was given in the 1950s, or even the 1850s that deal with basic grammar and history.

What we need to do as a country is the same thing that the great societies did to be teachers of the world. It wasn't by celebrating this day or that day for a specific race or gender group. It was by getting down the basics, and doing it well:  math, grammar, philopsophy. In short, critical thinking.

In truth, I think this is a big reason why my work as a ACT tutor has lead to as much as 15 point increase on the ACT, and many scores to the top 1%. Let's not cheat our students into doing their best. Let's let them learn the classics, and teach them to think. Life is more than feelings. It's about thinking carefully to make good decisions.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

ACT Prep 36: Reading Comprehension Strategies We've Used with our Mason Students to Ace Their Tests - YouTube

ACT Prep 36: Reading Comprehension Strategies our Mason Students Have Used to Ace Their Tests Having had about 650 students prepping with me for the ACT test...

Should a 7th grader take the ACT or SAT?

A mom wonders whether her #middle-schooler should take one of the main college entrance #exams

SAT, ACT: College-Admissions Tests Are Holding American Students Back - Businessweek

Conceived as a way to identify talent, standardized testing is leaving too many students behind. The U.S. needs new answers

How US test scores rank globally

The #PISA survey tests kids around the world in math, reading science and other subjects. CNBC's Sue Herera asks the director of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment Andreas Schleicher, why the U.S. is underperforming.